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Corner Wattlebird Way & Ridge Boulevard, Baldivis, WA, 6171

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Baldivis Pharmacy has been a trusted part of the Shepparton community since 1979.  We are open 6 days a week from to be here when you need us the most. You can always speak with a pharmacist at Shepparton Amcal Pharmacy.

Baldivis Pharmacy

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Baldivis Pharmacy

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Corner Wattlebird Way & Ridge Boulevard, Baldivis, WA, 6171

Our Pharmacy Blog

Much and all as most of us love Spring, for some of us, it marks the arrival of the dreaded hayfever.  Over Winter much media attention was focussed on the negative impact of colds, influenza and the resul...
Hayfever is in the air!
This week is Men’s Health Week so I thought it would be timely to bring up a few points about the health of us men.Often, the emphasis on men's health gravitates towards physical wellbeing. However, a truly h...
Men's Health Week: A holistic ...
This is a topic that I have raised previously in these emails.  However, there was a recent article I came across in my journal reading that highlighted some new data that is quite concerning.  I felt...
High Blood Pressure - 9 millio...

In our quest for better health and longer lives, there is literally too much information available.  It is so excessive and contradictory that it is near on impossible for most normal people to be across w...
5 Pillars of Health
Today I wanted to talk about hypertension or high blood pressure.The reason I want to talk about it is that it is the number one risk factor for death.  Of all the risk factors that contribute to poor heal...
Hypertension - The number 1 ri...
I’ve been listening to a series of podcasts and you tube presentations from various health experts over the past few months.  Most of the presenters are experts in their fields and have excellent informa...
Sugar and Exercise

If you suffer with Asthma or emphysema or know someone who does then you need to read on. Australian research shows up to 90% of asthmatics and COPD sufferers use their inhalers incorrectly.Around 2.5 million A...
Important Asthma Information
This week I would like to raise awareness of a very significant health issue that doesn’t get the attention it deserves. It is a health condition that causes a reduced quality of life and affects both men and...
Sleep Apnoea
To be clear we are not talking about downing your lunchtime sandwich with a stopwatch on. What we are talking about is a different view of what constitutes healthy eating. I have a fascination with nutrition an...
Time Restricted Eating

If you are receiving this email, there is a good chance you or someone you know has been diagnosed with high cholesterol. Following on from this you may have received a medication to help lower your cholesterol...
Cholesterol Medications - Life...
Cardiovascular disease in AustraliaDiseases affecting the heart or blood vessels (cardiovascular disease) have a big impact on our population. About 4.2 million Australian adults have cardiovascular disease, an...
Heart Disease and Stroke - Kno...
When someone decides to lose body fat whether it is for summer, an event or simply to improve their health, one of the first changes they consider making is to their eating habits. Once the decision is made, th...
The truth about Carbohydrates ...

Lose Weight in 3 Easy StepsWe live in a society that demands instant gratification in many areas of life. Consider things such as food, with fast-food outlets and microwave ovens; communication, with e-mail and...
Losing Weight
I hope you had a fantastic Christmas and the New Year has begun well for you. We all know the new year is the prime time to make new resolutions and commitments about the things in life we want to change. We al...
Happy New Year!
This fortnight, I wanted to focus on something that affects us all and something that can be variable moment to moment. That is our state of mind. We all fluctuate between happiness and sadness and excitement a...
10 Day Mental Challenge

Depression, anxiety and other mental health problems are a major concern in our modern society. There wouldn’t be a day go by where we don’t have multiple conversations in the pharmacy with people who are s...
If you ask most people what’s one thing they really want out of life, it is to be happy. Quite simple but it can be quite elusive. I came across the information below recently and found it very insightful. It...
Happiness Advantage
With the flu season approaching it is timely to start talking about vaccination. This is a clear case where prevention is better than the cure, because there is no cure. Influenza can have serious consequences....
Flu Vaccinations

Medicines play an important role in treating disease and preventing future consequences of disease.  There is no doubt that we live longer, healthier lives because of medicines.  But, as we all know, ...
Medicine Safety
After it seemed like Winter was going to take over Spring this year, the forecast looks like things will start heating up.  Of course, this is a good time to start thinking about our skin and about Sun pro...
Looks like the sunshine is fin...
During a recent holiday break I spent quite a bit of time reading various health and fitness magazines and watching a few health “gurus” on You Tube.  It struck me that there is a plethora of info...
80 apples could make you fat

We are now into that time of year when life just seems to speed up.  Christmas parties, school holidays, Christmas shopping and lots of socialising.  At this time of the year when we are eating and ma...
Live Longer
Age Friendly RockinghamSomething we have mentioned in the past​ is the City of Rockingham subsidy scheme on offer for all of our more senior residents.  Each financial year residents over the age of 60 w...
Healthy Life Choices
This is a topic that has garnered much media attention over the past year.  I thought it would be timely to make a few comments about it and clear up the myths.  In some ways, its has been portrayed i...
Medicinal Cannabis

Join the weight loss revolution at Palm Springs PharmacyThe Impromy Weight Management Program has now helped our clients lose over 200kg at Palm Springs Pharmacy.  Developed by the CSIRO and clinically pro...
200kg Lost and Going Strong!
A recent article talking about preventable lifestyle caused deaths in the Sunday Times caught my attention. It is probably not a new message that our lifestyle choices have a massive impact upon our health.&nbs...
Is our lifestyle killing us?
If you were planning to use your eyes for the rest of your life might be worth getting checked for glaucoma.Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide and approximately 300000 people...

Osteoporosis is the most common metabolic bone disease worldwide.  It is characterised by low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue.  It is estimated that 6.2 million Australians have e...
World Osteporosis Day
This topic is one that I am quite passionate about. Metabolic disease will cause more health issues and deaths than Covid ever will, and yet it is not on the front page of the paper or leading the evening news....
Metabolic Disease - The quiet ...
For as long as most of us can remember fat intake has been blamed as the culprit in causing many health conditions.  A more modern understanding is the fat is not as much of a bad guy as we once belie...
The Sweet Truth - Diabetes Wee...

Valentine’s day is synonymous with love from the heart. That got me thinking about how many emotions we associate with the heart.  Love being the obvious one, but also when we are down (down-hearted...
Valentine's Day - A thought fo...
All of us would likely have noticed that people lose muscle mass as they age.  There is a point during this muscle loss where we start seeing older people as frail.  This loss of muscle mass...
Sarcopenia or Muscle Loss
I like to share interesting pieces of information that I come across from time to time, generally with the intention of stimulating thoughts about healthier living.This week I listened to a podcast with a world...
Weight Loss, Obesity and more....

We live in a world where numbers and data have a daily effect on our lives.  Numbers tell us what has happened and what the future is likely to be.Things like inflation numbers that result in interest...
Numbers Do Matter

7.00am - 10.00pm

7.00am - 10.00pm

7.00am - 10.00pm

7.00am - 10.00pm

7.00am - 10.00pm​7.00am - 10.00pm
7.00am - 10.00pm

7.00am - 10.00pm






Public Holidays:

Opening Hours

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Where to locate 

Baldivis Pharmacy

Corner Wattlebird Way & Ridge Boulevard, Baldivis, WA, 6171

Corner Wattlebird Way & Ridge Boulevard, Baldivis, WA, 6171

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(c) Medicines Information Pty Ltd

XXX Health Fact sheet
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WHO guidance